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Comoride is a rider assist mobile app designed for motorcycle riders to create, organize, and share trips, enjoy the ride with biker friends, keep track of each member within the group, post road assist status when the need arises and manage the maintenance log.

My goals

  • Create a concept and explore if the concept is sticky
  • Measure the level of satisfaction with this product
  • Understand what features present the most value for the target audience

Target Audiences

The target audience for the app is people who successfully passed M2/M licence, own a motorcycle, enjoy exploring new places, and love to exchange knowledge.

My research started with a non-moderated survey, where I explored habits and patterns of riders with different levels of riding experience. These findings were transformed into 3 persona types, that helped to determine what challenges are common for everyone.

Research outcome

Accidental stop due to missing consumables or mechanical problem

There is no exception for any rider to perform regular check-ups to ensure the motorcycle is ready for a ride. Many mechanical problems can be detected and fixed on the spot. However, this step can be easily forgotten and lead to an accidental stop.

Concept – Hypothesis to prevent this to happen, a set of reminders can notify a rider to perform a check-up list. If, however, the situation already occurred, the user can post an emergency status visible for all riders around.

Travelling to the country roads is the best, no traffic, just your motorcycle and the road, but if the route wasn’t planned in advance, this can cause a stop with no fuel in the tank.

Concept – Hypothesis advanced route planning option can predict the amount of fuel required for the ride and inform a user if additional fuel stops needs to be added. If the situation already occurred, the rider can post an emergency status visible for all the riders around.


Hyposysis 1: On-road assist, posting alert messages

The ability to post a status update adds another layer of security and minimize the stress level.
On the other hand, credits system allows to be more engaiged by helping other riders, receive a ‘thank you’ token that leads to receiving discounts from the motorcycle stores.

Hyposysis 2: Maintenance log with advance set of reminders

Maintenance log helps to keep a motorcycle in good shape and minimize the risk of mechanical problems.

Hyposysis 3. Advanced route planning

Extended trip organizer helps to plan the trip, organize stops and accomodations and share it with the friends.

Product Map

After revealing functions the target audience was interested in, my product structure gained more credibility and weight.

Visual Style

The comoride symbol is presented by two letters (C and R) joined together.
The font is cursive to add a direction. My goal was to create a logo that could be used on many different surfaces.


Orange and Charcoal colors were chosen for the main look and feel. Charcoal represent a road and orange represents a driver.

Orange #f99c1c

Charcoal #2b3945


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