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Hello, I'm Oxana Dragoner

Product Designer

I currently work as a UX/UI designer, creating thoughtful experiences based on human centered design principles, research and analytics, and modern best practices.

Reply time: 1-2 working days

Areas of expertise


What makes your brand stand out from others? I assist in developing brand strategies and design that will articulate your mission, vision and values.

Product UX/UI

Whether you are designing an app or a website – I can help you to create wireframes and prototypes, test it with real users and save time in the further development work.


I create versatile digital and print marketing assets. 2 seconds’ impression that’s my rule – catchy, clear, simple.

Product Management

As a designer, I can spearhead, support and polish your project at any stage. I use the latest design methods, tools, and workflows to plan, track, and manage products.

Latest Works

Skype (coming soon…)



Huntel Global

Let's work together!

Interested in working together? Let's connect. Feel free to send me a message.

Contact me
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