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If I ever had to explain what I do to a person who doesn’t know what the UX is, I would describe this process as brewing a coffee to someone you don’t know. Firstly understand what coffee this person wants to drink, what coffee beans will require for this selection, what methods of grinding and grinding machines will do the trick, and finally adjusting the coffee machine for the perfect brewing. I call this process UX-presso.

Hi, my name is Oxana Dragoner, I specialize in UX, brand strategy and marketing and I’m a big fan of coffee. I help product teams to deliver digital solutions that are focused on users’ needs and impact people’s everyday processes.

I have various backgrounds. I studied IT and Applied linguistics, Graphic Design, and Psychology. All that helps me to determine what approach to take and solve complex problems through elegant and simple ideas. Currently, I live in Canada, but I was lucky to live in multiple countries and experience different cultures. My design career started in Europe, where I worked on large brands for home and office electronics, mobile operators, and retails networks. Throughout my career, I worked with a variety of well-known brands: Hewlett-Packard, LG, Orange, Nokia, Remington, Samsung etc.

What I can do for you

Faster, better products that your users love. Here are services I provide:

  • Research
  • Design Strategy
  • Web and Mobile App Design
  • Design Systems

Applications I’m fluent in

Every designer needs the right tools to do the perfect job. Thankfully, I’m multilingual.

  • Figma
  • Adobe Suite
  • Webflow
  • Unbounce

What you can expect

I design products that are more than pretty. I assist teams with the following:

  • Accessibility & Inclusive design (WCAG) 2.0
  • Post-launch analytics
  • QA testing

My sources of inspiration

  • The key design companies that inspire me the most are IDEO, Nielsen Norman Group, IDF, thefutur, and Google.
  • The books that I recommend reading are “The Design of Everyday Things” (written by Don Norman), ‘The Design Sprint’ (written by Jake Knapp), “Don’t make me think” (written by Steve Krug).
  • The podcasts and youtube channels I recommend are AJ&Smart Youtube Channel, thefutur youtube channel or podcast, “Design Better Podcast” (by InVisionApp), and The Pitch podcast (by Gimplet)
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